Friday, June 1, 2012
Two *More* Men in the House
At least one is inanimate. He's a ceramic frog. That lives in a glass bowl with a free goldfish that Son #2 won at school yesterday. And then spent $14 on supplies for.
I know they say that there's no such thing as a free cat. Same apparently applies to goldfish.
But #2 is completely enamored with this whole set-up, because, finally, he has a pet all of his own. And, as long as he flushes it himself when the time comes, I'm totally up for it!
So, without further ado, let me introduce you to Frazier the fish...
...and Ali the bullfrog!
The boys decided to name the fish after Joe Frazier, the boxer, so we had to be all theme-y and name the frog after one, too! Turns out to be a good match, because it seems that Ali has already lost an eye overnight...
These two are bound for greatness, I tell you! At least for a month. That's #2's goal for how long he can keep this fish alive... I'll tell you how it goes.
Lovely pics... and welcome to Frazier... hope he definitely lasts the month (or more). Our first fish lasted 5 months and then next two only two weeks!