Sunday, May 1, 2011

I Heart Faces: Soft and Sweet Challenge

This week's photo challenge at I Heart Faces is "Soft and Sweet."   I had actually picked out and edited a completely different picture to post today... but I've changed my mind.

You see, I have this little boy.  A rambunctious, precocious, bouncing-off-the-wall, always "hungry more" little three (and a half) year old.  A boy, who despite his inability to regulate his volume, is one of the sweetest things in my life.  A boy with the clearest of blue eyes, who gives me dozens of unsolicited kisses and tells me I'm pretty and that he"ll love me forever.  A boy who brought me a fistful of dandelions yesterday and crammed them into a waterglass so they'd live a little longer.

So, even though I had made other plans for this post, I simply couldn't resist.  Because, in my life, it doesn't get much sweeter than this...

For you, Mommy!


  1. He has beautiful eyes! Lovely photo!

  2. I love this! My daughter thinks that dandelions are the most beautiful flower!

  3. Very sweet. Love the way it is edited, and I love the picture!

  4. Awww... look at that sweet, loving face! You can just tell that he's so proud to have picked those flowers!

  5. I just couldn't resist commenting on this photo. I love sweet boy moments... and the post processing- it is gorgeous!
